Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Biggest Blame Game Ever Played

Well, I would not exactly call the election successful. On the whole, everything single position or candidate I supported lost, except for the Michigan 8th District Congressional race, where incumbent Mike Rogers took home the W (the win). To summarize, our new president and his cohorts took home almost every contest. As I watched the FOX News coverage last night, I studied the Congressional and Presidential vote counters, and the number of times that word “gain” appeared next to a Democrats name was astonishing. I must say, I am impressed by the ability to deceive on the Democrats part. To portray such harmful positions in such positive light does take dedication and hard work on their parts, and I commend their devotion to the cause. Clearly the Republicans were slacking, though. I mean really, the best we could come up with was a POW and War veteran, and an innovative reformer from Alaska? Not our best efforts. I don’t blame anyone for choosing the Messiah, oops I mean Obama, over gramps. But then again, I really don’t deserve any of the blame, or credit depending on who you are. I didn’t choose this outcome, or have any say in what did happen. But really I should have. I watched the election so closely, with attention to detail and analyzed comments and positions. I went to an Obama rally. I repeat: I went to the Obama rally, there was kool-aid, and hope, and whole lot of change in the air. That, my friends, was sacrifice. I know who would have done what is best for the country, without destroying the freedoms America is built on. Basically, I would not have let an inexperienced Community Organizer take hold of the most important position in the free world, and I would not have allowed the Congress (with the lowest approval ratings ever) to get even more liberal. I did not do this, America. But I should have. If I had voted, maybe, just maybe, we would not be in the questionable circumstances that we are today. Even more frustrating, two years from now I will still not be eligible to vote. It looks like America will not have my expertise and guidance until 2012, and that is just too bad. But you can bet, that in 2012 I am so there, and by there, I mean I am definitely going to be an active proponent for true change. Because I have a feeling we may need it.