Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Study Up, Students of America

Tonight, while I would love to sit down and write an extensive review of the day's current events, I do not have the time. Tomorrow is my first Advanced Placement Government test, and I simply must do well on it. After all, I can have as many opinions as I want, but if I am not well informed with factual evidence to back it up, who am I to really say anything? So, to better educate others, I must submit to being educated myself, first and foremost. Interestingly enough, the test is over political parties. Reading and learning about political parties makes me wonder something about my readers...

Are you a committed party member? Or are you going to split your ticket? And most important, do you have the evidence and support of facts and figures to decently defend your decision?

If you answered no to the last question posed, you may want to consider looking into it. Because if the rest of America is anything like me, which I think they might be, your beliefs will be questioned regularly. So maybe I'm not the only one who should be preparing for a test.

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